Echo Bluff State Park
Shannon County, MO
Project Size
440 Acres
Landscape Architecture
& Planning
State of Missouri Office of Administration, Missouri DNR, Division of State Parks
Year Completed
Working in conjunction with the State of Missouri Office of Administration, Division of Facilities Management, Design and Construction (OA/FMDC), and the State of Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Division of State Parks (MSP), the development of this new state park will be the result of a 4-month planning process. This includes weekly design team meetings and regular Technical Advisory Group meetings, and two final VIP Presentations to Governor Jay Nixon.
Nestled into a wooded valley and centered on dramatic bluffs along a tributary to the Current River, a national scenic waterway, Echo Bluff has quickly become a major visitor draw in the Missouri Ozarks. Within this beautiful setting, a signature lodge was situated to provide views to its namesake Echo Bluff along the river, while single and multi-family cabins are nestled along the tributary and into the rolling topography. Opposite the lodge, an overlook pavilion is a vantage to take views of the whole valley. A natural playscape, trails, resort quality campground and a restored spring are woven into the core of the park. The entire park follows the meanders of Sinking Creek with gravel bars and shoreline which are lined with families picnicking and enjoying the crystal clear waters. The park is truly designed to strike a balance between showcasing the natural environment and providing resort quality creature comforts.
2015 Honor Award
St. Louis Chapter American Society of Landscape Architects

Parks & Recreation