Brightside Demonstration Garden
St. Louis, Missouri
Project Size
.5 Acres
Landscape Architecture
& Planning
Brightside St. Louis
Year Completed
Many city residents do not have an opportunity to experience the beauty of nature; in many cases, their understanding of nature is limited to what they experience through various forms of media. Founded more than 30 years ago as a grass roots effort, Brightside St. Louis, formerly known as Operation Brightside, tasked itself with bringing this beauty back to city residents through shared community landscapes. From graffiti removal to community gardens, Brightside St. Louis continues to make the city and its public spaces a cleaner, more enjoyable place to live, one space at a time.
Brightside St. Louis stands as an ecological and inspirational demonstration garden along one of the City of St. Louis’ major intersections. The garden serves as an educational tool for urban residents to discover art, natural habitat and sustainable design best practices.
As a non-profit, Brightside St. Louis relied on donor funding and volunteer efforts to help bring this project to fruition. SWT donated time and resources to develop renderings and donor-recognition opportunities to help raise more than $500,000 for the project.
2013 Honor Award
St. Louis Chapter American Society of Landscape Architects

Urban Design