The Commons at Cortex Innovation Community
St. Louis, Missouri
Project Size
8 Acres
Landscape Architecture
& Planning
Cortex Innovation Community
Originally envisioned as a research park, Cortex Innovation Community has quickly developed into a hub for start-up biotech companies, urban residences, and streetside shopping within the heart of St. Louis. With opportunities for a new light rail station and regional bicycle/ pedestrian connections, the vibrant urban community was poised for growth.
Looking to bridge the gap between major educational and medical institutions, the Cortex Innovation Community will serve as a driver for sustainable development in a blighted neighborhood, and cultivate incubators and other neighborhood-building amenities for future economic development.
More than one-half mile of streets were reconfigured to capture stormwater runoff in curbside bio-filtration basins, permeable parking bays, and in underground cells.
2018 Merit Award
St. Louis Chapter American Society of Landscape Architects
Urban Design